Top 5 nutrition mistakes I see

  1. Not planning for afternoon tea
    Instead of simply going with the flow and hoping for the best come 3 pm, it's a smart move to plan for a protein-rich snack. By incorporating this into your daily routine, you'll likely find that you feel more in control. This can also help you maintain a lighter dinner or ward off those post-dinner cravings.

  2. Lunch is too light -
    Opting for a light lunch, such as a salad with tuna but without complex carbs, can lead to hunger striking again within an hour or two. A substantial lunch should be as big as, if not bigger than, your dinner. It should be capable of sustaining you throughout the afternoon.

  3. Not a full protein serve at breakfast -
    While you may manage to squeeze in an egg or some yogurt for breakfast, this often falls short of providing the sustenance you need to carry you through to dinner. By the time dinner rolls around, you might still be falling short of your ideal protein intake.

  4. Avoiding foods you love -
    Every well-rounded eating plan should include the foods you love. Perhaps the volume of frequency of these foods may be adapted to your goals but they should still be in there. Avoiding a specific food group for an extended period can lead to feelings of restriction, and that can set the stage for overindulgence when you finally give in.

  5. Focusing on all the things you should remove versus things to include -
    Instead of framing goals as things you're trying to stay away from, approach them with a positive, action-based perspective. For example, aim to eat two cups of salad at lunch every day, rather than focusing on what you don't want to consume in the afternoon, like chocolate or chips. This shift in mindset can be much more effective in achieving your nutritional goals.

Healthy breakfast foods

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